CPC's Brooklyn Branch supports new Smoke Free Advertisement

Smoking is a serious issue facing the Chinese community, and we are proud of the programs’ efforts to stop the smoking epidemic. As smoking is heavily promoted in China as being both a form of business and congenial social networking, often in the form of gifts offered and received in work contexts, the negative health impacts are not always evident.
Community members may not be aware of the dire health impacts of smoking long term on the body, or be suspicious that something so innocuous from one's native country here is actively discouraged. Education is important to demystify smoking.
CPC staff and community members worked with illustrator James Zhao to create the innovative PSA's concept. The parent is shown smoking while the child is working - the drawn image is an image of a sad face, with eyes marked out. The parent is facing away from the child.
In the other image, the parent and child are working happily together - showing the family in harmony.
Focusing on the hands of smokers as being a tool for good to establish a healthy life and family, or not to do this, the text reads:
"Your hands are key instruments working for you and your family every day. You can guide your children to draw a beautiful future or they could be drawn into a path that lingers with disease. Your choice determines your child’s destiny. What will you hold in your hand?"
As well the ad promotes education about the secondary effects of smoking that can have negative consequences for everyone in the family. Children are especially vulnerable to second hand smoke, leading to asthma among many other illnesses.
This ad is being promoted in various media, from World Journal, to Epoch Times, to SingTao Daily news.