CPC Service Learning Creates 500 Handmade Cards for Community Members

For this holiday season, CPC Service Learners wanted to find ways to give back to their community. Our participants decided to split into 3 groups with each focusing on a unique project based on needs within their communities. One of their project ideas was to work with youth from low-income families over the holidays. Operation Smiles is an annual event held by Reaching Out Community Services to serve over 500 children during the holiday season. To address the needs of the community, the students who were part of this project got together on their off-hours to hand-make holiday cards for the children. The goal of the holiday cards was to spread more holiday cheer for the children and their families. For those who had no availability during our office/program hours, they brought cards to work on at home. Amid their busy schedules, all service learners and staff volunteered their time to exceed the goal of 500 holiday cards.
Operation Smiles took place on December 14th, 2019. Those who were available to volunteer assisted the staff with distributing toys and cards to children, helping with carnival-style games, handing out refreshments along with overall crowd control and guest assistance. The children had a lot of fun at the event and everyone was able to make some meaningful memories.