ECLW Completes its 120-hour CDA Cohort Class in Chinese

On April 29th, our trainers Sharlene, Xiao, and Matthew finished conducting the 120-hour CDA course over a period of 17 Saturdays. The CDA national credentialing program is a professional development opportunity for early educators working with children ages birth to 5 years old and their families to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities in the early childhood education field. The program is designed to assess and credential early childhood education professionals using multiple sources of evidence, including 120 hours of training, an exam, observation, and a professional portfolio.
The training was offered to all FCCN Chinese providers who needed a CDA credential. CPC Early Childhood Learning and Wellness Services is the only organization nationwide that has the expertise to provide a 120-hour CDA course in Chinese. We are grateful for the providers who put in a lot of time and effort to complete the course.