PG: SAT Recruiting! | Chinese-American Planning Council
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PG: SAT Recruiting!


The Chinese-American Planning Council’s Project Gateway is offering a low-cost SAT prep class for high school students called PG: SAT. Starting Tuesday, July 16th, PG: SAT will meet twice a week for six weeks along with three mock exam dates. The SAT prep classes will be offered in Lower East Side, Manhattan. 

PG: SAT will focus on Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math session of the SAT with individual reflection and extra tutor time. Community members will receive free SAT books and one-on-one college readiness advisement to advise community members on enhancing their overall academic portfolio.

Project Gateway is a college counseling and resource center at CPC. Its mission is to provide community members with resources and assistance so they can fully explore their college options and make informed decisions about their future education.

To register or for more info, please contact Jay Li at 212.941.0920 x126 or email at


华策会[大学之道辅导中心] 为高中生提供低收费的SAT冲刺课程,从7月16日至8月22日(星期二和星期四), 每周二堂, 为期六周,上课时间是早上9时至下午12时。该SAT准备课程将提供在曼哈顿下东区,并将进行3项模拟考试,以监察报读学生的进步水准。

华策会大学之道辅导中心的成立目的是为了提供大学申请的相关资源及帮助,以协助学生对于升学教育有全面了解并做出更好的选择。SAT冲刺课程将专注阅读,数学和写作,具有个人反思和额外的导师辅导。学生将享有免费的1对1大学申请咨询。报名为六月3号日起,请在星期一至星期五上午10时至下午5时前往以下办公室地址进行报名,华策会曼哈顿社区服务中心(爱烈治街165号)。名额有限,报名从速,请联系Jay Li 可致电212-941-0920 分机126,电邮 。