CPC Staff Testify in New York City's FY25 Preliminary Budget Hearings

Carlyn Cowen, Chief Policy & Public Affairs Officer, testified at the Immigration Preliminary Budget Hearing on 3/5/24, advocating for investments in immigrant communities, including funding Promise NYC, adult literacy, legal services, and community-based organizations.
Po Ling Ng, Associate Executive Director and Director of Open Door Older Adult Center, testified at the Aging Preliminary Budget Hearing on 3/8/24, highlighting challenges faced by seniors during COVID-19, including anti-Asian violence, safety concerns, and increased isolation and loneliness. She called for funding to support meal services for elders provided by CPC.
Meihua Yang, Entitlement Benefit Specialist, testified at the Health Preliminary Budget Hearing on 3/21/24, emphasizing the importance of CPC's services in helping community members access health care and urging restoration and expansion of funding for Access Health NYC and continue to support community-based nonprofit organizations that fill the gap and provide critical culturally competent and language-accessible health outreach and education services.
Erika Enchautegui, Provider Specialist for Early Childhood Learning and Wellness program, testified at the Youth and Children Preliminary Budget Hearing on 3/22/24, discussing the importance of child care, universal child care, funding for Promise NYC, and salary parity for childcare workers.
Ashley Chen, Policy Analyst, testified at the Contracts Preliminary Budget Hearing on 3/22/24, applauded the administration and the Council for improving wages for city-contracted human services workers and urging swift implementation of cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) and wage increases.